Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

Horoskop Hari Ini: Ouch!!

"Today your focus needs to be on finding a better balance between your work life and your personal life. You may have been neglecting one or the other recently due to a stressful situation. Your focus is off and you probably don't realize how it has affected you. To achieve true happiness you need to center yourself and look at your life objectively. Consider what factors may be contributing to your lack oattention to critical elements, and then figure out what you can do to lessen the problem and the impact it's having on you. Make a goal for yourself with a deadline. Getting back in balance is critical to your happiness and success."

Iseng iseng bosen nungguin kereta datang, terus buka aplikasi horoskop yg ada di iphone. Dan.....langsung ketohok.

Memang saat ini saya lg kacau banget, ga ada keseimbangan antara kehidupan pribadi & kerja. Atau mungkin bukan antara 2 itu, tp karena saya sedang berjuang keras kejar director tahun ini & membawa potensial leaders saya minimal SM sementara saya sendiri masih ngantor.

Time management saya masih harus dilatih, fiuh!!

Astrid Mita
Pin bb 76B253F8
Sms/Whatsapp 081513050415

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